Game type: This field shows the name of the game and if it was either 'standard' or 'turbo'
Game stream ID: This is a unique number given to the game stream
Standard: | 1444074 |
Turbo: | 1444080 |
Market ID: This is a unique number given to the market(s) of a particular game
Includes side markets
Market started date: Date and time the game began
Round settled: The round in which the market was settled
Selection ID: The table below describes what the numbers in the Selection ID field represent
Hand 1 | 658439 |
Hand 2 | 658440 |
Hand 3 | 658441 |
Hand 4 | 658442 |
Community Cards | 0 |
you can't bet on Community Cards
Selection name: This field describes in text format what the Selection ID represents
Win Lose: Which hand has won or lost
Winner: | W |
Loser: | L |
there can be more than one winner
Result: This is a numeric representation of the hands that won or lost
Lose: | 0 |
Outright winner: | 1 |
2 - way split: | 2 |
3 - way split: | 3 |
4 - way split: | 4 |
Card (1-5): The number of the card that as drawn
see conversion table
Evaluation: This field describes in text and numerical format what Card 1-5 represents
Evaluation ranks are:
Royal Flush | 10 |
Straight Flush | 9 |
Four Of A Kind | 8 |
Full House | 7 |
Flush | 6 |
Straight | 5 |
Three Of A Kind | 4 |
Two Pairs | 3 |
Pair | 2 |
No Pair | 1 |
Card values are as follows:
High Ace | 14 |
King | 13 |
Queen | 12 |
Jack | 11 |
Ten | 10 |
Nine | 09 |
Eight | 08 |
Seven | 07 |
Six | 06 |
Five | 05 |
Four | 04 |
Three | 03 |
Two | 02 |
Ace | 01 |
Hand rank for the Straight cards "10d","3d", "2h", "Ad", "Ks", "Qs", "Jd" will be 51413121110.
Hand rank for the Three of a kind cards "10c", "10h", "Jc", "Kc", "8d", "10d", "3h" will be 41010101311.